MP Claudia Webbe leads calls for Government action to tackle ‘sweatshops’ in Leicester 

Boris Johnson has been urged to do more to tackle the exploitation of workers in some of Leicester’s textile factories.

Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe has written to the Prime Minister calling on him to do more to end poor working conditions in some of the 1,000-plus workshops in the city, many of which are in her constituency.

The issue has recently been brought into focus by reports that some staff were forced to work in cramped ‘sweatshop’ conditions even when ill with Covid-19 to meet fast fashion orders while being paid far below the minimum wage.

Ms Webbe’s letter to Number 10 was signed by 39 other MPs and peers from seven political parties.

She said the signatories were dismayed that more has not been done to tackle issues that have long been known about in the sector and highlighted as recently as 2019 in a House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee Report, yet have failed to act.

Ms Webbe said: “There have been multiple reports over the past 10 years of workers’ human rights abuses, and for the last three years the Government has had the recommendations of at least two select committees detailing routine worker exploitation in the garment industry, yet they have ignored or rejected every single one of them.

“I have been approached by many constituents who have bravely shared their first hand experiences of exploitation.

“This includes employers seeking to avoid detection by pretending their factories are shut whilst workers file through back entrances, unwell employees being told to keep their symptoms secret from colleagues, false payslips which do not reflect real hours worked, being paid far less than the minimum wage and many more instances of cruel mistreatment.”

Claudia Webbe and Labour supporters at her campaign launch 
(Image: Dan Martin)

She added: “It is appalling that the exploited labour of workers in Leicester East is helping to finance extravagant corporate salaries in the garment industry.

“This is a microcosm of the stark inequality that exists in our society and across the world and is proof that the obscene wealth of billionaires is built on the exploitation of the working class.

“The government must create a safe space for workers to come forward and through collective action be compensated for lost earnings and holiday pay and call out such outrageous employer malpractice, reverse the severe funding cuts to the Health and Safety Executive, create a single ethical licensing scheme and extend protections to all migrant workers.

“We all have a responsibility to ensure the clothes we wear are not stained with human misery.”

While Ms Webbe has blamed the Government for not tackling the problems senior Tory MPs including Home Secretary Priti Patel has blamed the Labour council in the city for not dealing with them.  

North West Leicestershire Tory MP Andrew Bridgen, who says he has also been contacted by whistleblowers working in some Leicester factories, said the police had also not done enough.

The National Crime Agency is now investigation allegations of modern slavery in the city’s textile trade. 

Claudia Webbe MP is the member of Parliament for Leicester East. You can follow her at and
