Claudia Webbe MP has been the Member of Parliament for Leicester East since December 2019. She holds a BA (Hons.) in Social Science and an MSc with distinction in Race and Ethnic Relations. She was previously a Councillor and the Cabinet Member for Energy, Environment and Transport in the London Borough of Islington.
Claudia was one of the founders and Chair of Operation Trident, a community-led initiative to tackle gun-related homicides, disproportionately affecting Black communities. She was also a political advisor to the first directly elected Mayor of London and has held several national trusteeships, including National Energy Action and the Children’s Society.
In addition, she has run several equality rights organisations, including the Bath and North-East Somerset Race Equality Council and the Westminster Race Equality Council.
Claudia holds the professional qualification in Youth and Community work and is passionate about communities, children and young people and for her confronting poverty, inequalities, workers’ rights and injustice are unquestionable and drives her passion daily.
Claudia was born in Leicester. As one of four children, she was brought up by her Nevisian Parents (from the twin island of St Kitts and Nevis) who were part of the Windrush Generation.
Below is a downloadable version of Claudia’s Profile