Neighbours ‘hopeful’ over changes to road where car smashed into mum’s house leaving her seriously injured
Neighbours launched a petition after the woman was left with life-changing injuries
Residents who persistently campaigned for traffic calming measures where their neighbour’s house was smashed into by a speeding car say they are “hopeful” a new scheme will make their busy road safer. Neighbours in Hungarton Boulevard, in Netherhall, launched a petition last year – saying speeding had been an unresolved problem in the area – after the young mum was left with life-changing injuries as a result of the incident in April 2021.
The 33-year-old’s life changed “overnight” leaving her with injuries that continue to affect her today. She was initially told she might not survive the ordeal before having metal plates and screws inserted into her skull. Two people in the car were also seriously injured and the driver was later disqualified and fined after admitting to careless driving and driving without a licence.
But residents living nearby wanted to see more done to prevent it from happening again and eventually presented their petition to Leicester City Council last year in a “breakthrough moment”. After a “long battle” and various meetings between the council and residents, the council started work on a £190,000 speed-reduction scheme last Saturday.
The scheme includes the banning of overtaking, new electronic speed limit signs, increased waiting times at pedestrian crossings and renewed road markings. And although the changes do not include speed cameras, as campaigners initially hoped for, they say they are happy with the changes.
Rashid Thathyala, the brother-in-law of the woman who was severely injured, and who also lives in Hungarton Boulevard, said he feels the changes will have a positive impact. Speaking on behalf of his sister-in-law, he said while she continues to struggle with her recovery, due to a now weakened immune system, she feels better now something is changing.
The 50-year-old said: “It was a fear in her mind and her kids’ minds of ‘will it happen again?’ They still remember what happened, it’s still fresh in their memories but they’ve got some assurance now that something is happening.
He added: “It’s been a long battle but I’m grateful things are being done. Initially it was like we just hit a brick wall. Our first breakthrough was the council meeting.
“We had a number of meetings afterwards to the point where we actually marked the points on the map where we thought the signs needed to be. The council really listened to us and we can see things happening.”
“What we really wanted was a speed camera because that [could lead to] a penalty for those speeding. But I’m really thankful to the council for taking action,” he said. “They really explained to us what they could and couldn’t do because there were some legal limitations.”
Mr Thathyala said while the council was supportive, it was the neighbours who had to be credited with their campaigning. He said: “All the neighbours were really, really helpful with this. They were all incredible.
“Our MP [Claudia Webbe] has been really helpful and supportive in this too. This will have a good impact once it’s done, I’m sure.”
Another neighbour, Moira Hampton, said without the petition, “nothing would have changed” but was “impressed” with the council’s response. The 62-year-old said: “You hear a lot of complaints about the council, especially in relation to traffic problems. But on this occasion, they’re doing the absolutely maximum they can on this.
“I’m not an expert on road management but I have sat in meetings with Councillor Adam Clarke and I can see he’s really committed and he shows the human side of the council on this. I think they’ve done everything they can and they’re spending a lot of money and time on it. And if it’s not effective we’ll be starting again.”
Lynda Kaspruk, who has lived in the area since the 1980s, witnessed the incident in 2021 from her home across the road. Like others, she said she was happy work had “finally started”.
She said: “It shows that petitions can work because a lot of people think they don’t. People said at the beginning it was a waste of time.
“What we’re going to do is monitor the improvements to see what impact they have. We’re being cautious at the moment. But what really matters now is how [the woman who was injured] feels.”
The roadworks are expected to last until the end of the week with Hungarton Boulevard closed off to all through traffic with it is completed. A number of diversions have been set up, with drivers urged to follow signage in the area.
Claudia Webbe MP is the member of Parliament for Leicester East. You can follow her at www.facebook.com/claudiaforLE and twitter.com/ClaudiaWebbe